Social Good News, Information, and Resources for Helpers Fri, 22 Dec 2023 20:32:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Social Good 32 32 Embracing Change: The Evolving Landscape of Diverse Community Leadership Thu, 30 Nov 2023 20:50:27 +0000 SWHELPER

Behind the vibrant facades of our communities lies a silent yet powerful shift in leadership. This change isn’t heralded with grand declarations but is found in the quiet resolve of individuals dedicated to understanding and embracing the diversity surrounding them. These leaders are redefining what it means to be at the forefront of social change, […]

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From Homelessness to Giving Back – A Student’s Journey Tue, 10 Nov 2020 23:35:33 +0000 Alyssa Mareiro

On August 12, 2020, Gordon Wayne began a 16 day, 550-mile trek from Virginia to Boston College, all on foot. At first glance, Gordon may appear to be an average, middle-class college student. However, last year, Gordon was facing very different circumstances. Despite working extremely long hours and attending community college, Gordon was experiencing homelessness. […]

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National Coalition to Support COVID-19 Frontline Responders Thu, 09 Apr 2020 01:40:19 +0000 SWHELPER

Companies Join Forces to Positively Impact 300,000 National Guard, First Responders and Healthcare Heroes Today, Operation Gratitude announced the launch of one of the largest coordinated efforts in the country to support the brave men and women on the frontlines of the Coronavirus pandemic. Companies across all industries are joining together to form the Coalition […]

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Global Social Welfare Digital Summit Call for Proposals: Interdisciplinary Approach to Global Social Change Fri, 02 Aug 2019 17:42:21 +0000 SWHELPER

SWHELPER will host its four day annual virtual Global Social Welfare Digital Summit beginning on February 25th through February 28th, 2020. The Summit’s primary goal is to enhance practice for helping professionals by using technology to eliminate geographical borders for training, networking, and collaboration.  “Our goal is to use an interdisciplinary approach for helping professionals […]

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Corporate Social Responsibility Is More Than a Marketing Ploy Fri, 02 Aug 2019 10:19:13 +0000 Dave Pributsky

For-profit companies traditionally operated within a set of rules dictated by the government, such as collecting and paying taxes or meeting state and federal regulations. Everyone accepted profit maximization as the goal, and it didn’t really matter how companies managed to achieve that mission. Today, many judge companies based on their broader impacts and whether […]

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How the Internet and Social Media Is Impacting Social Work Tue, 18 Sep 2018 12:06:23 +0000 Elliot Caleria

Social media and the Internet, in general, have had an immense effect on social work. It enables communication between people from different corners of the world and makes access to information fast and easy. On the flipside, social media has brought about evils like fake news and Cyber Bullying whose effects can be fatal. But […]

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When Business and Social Good Intersects Communities Benefit Wed, 25 Apr 2018 10:19:22 +0000 Alexis Keir

Annually, London Borough hosts the Camden’s Business Awards where a range of local companies, large and small, were up for recognition for their contribution to innovation, the local economy, design and the creation of new job opportunities. I was there to support the Accessible Environments team of the design and engineering company Arup who over […]

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The One Question That Fuels My Approach to Life: What Can I Do For You Tue, 19 Dec 2017 21:03:58 +0000 Lee Rhodes

Through my three battles with cancer, I can’t even count how many times I received this question. And with three young children at home, what was I going to say? “Sure. Can you make sure my kids get fed? Can you do a load of laundry for me?” I was blessed to have such giving, […]

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Social Good Doesn’t Require a Non-Profit Tue, 22 Aug 2017 13:17:55 +0000 Dr. Michael Wright

You want your business to be a force for social good. Most importantly, you want to meet the needs of some target population with the warmth and care reminiscent of the most nurturing presence as opposed to a cold, heartless corporation. You believe your only option to be registration of your business as a non-profit. […]

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The Transformative Power of Helping Others Mon, 31 Jul 2017 20:30:28 +0000 Sarah Williams

In a world where self-centeredness seems to prevail, the act of giving holds immense significance. While many focus on personal achievements and acquisitions, true satisfaction and a meaningful life lie in acts of generosity and support toward others. If you haven’t experienced it yet, you may not be aware of the profound benefits it brings. […]

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5 Ways to Turn a Crazy Idea Into an Awesome Reality Wed, 15 Feb 2017 20:45:47 +0000 Alice Clark

Charlie Chaplin, Alfred Hitchcock, John Lennon, Martin Luther King, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, what do they all have in common? Every one of them had crazy ideas they trusted, believed in and took proper actions to turn those into an awesome reality. The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world […]

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SKIP: A Holistic Approach to Promoting Education for Disadvantaged Children Wed, 01 Feb 2017 12:33:20 +0000 Kerry Ferguson

Supporting Kids in Peru (SKIP) is a UK, US, and Peruvian NGO charity, working with impoverished families in El Porvenir and Alto Trujillo, in Peru. The primary aim is to enable children to utilise their right to an education, however by taking a holistic approach, SKIP works with the entire familial unit to do this. […]

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The Six Steps for Registering A Trademark Tue, 10 Jan 2017 20:54:00 +0000 David Wicks

If you are in business, then you understand the need to have a brand identity. A unique identifying feature in your business name, the logo, or the service is essential to stand out in the market. To achieve this, you have to sell differentiated products and use a name that hasn’t been used by others […]

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R U There? How Crisis Text Line is Using Technology To Its Advantage Thu, 03 Nov 2016 13:23:10 +0000 Kerry Ferguson

Crisis Text Line was launched quietly with no marketing initiative in late 2013. Within a few months, they were operating in all area codes in the United States which is a faster growth than when Facebook was launched. Crisis Text Line received more than 6.5 million texts in less than two years, from the date […]

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Government, Businesses and Organizations Announce $50 Million in Commitments to Support Women And Girls Tue, 14 Jun 2016 11:21:00 +0000 SWHELPER

WASHINGTON,DC – Ahead of the first-ever United State of Women Summit, the Obama administration, private-sector companies, foundations and organizations are announcing $50 million in commitments, along with new policies, tools and partnerships that will continue to expand opportunity for women and girls. These announcements include a pledge by more than two dozen leading companies to […]

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Social Work for a New Generation Wed, 23 Sep 2015 18:18:18 +0000 Justin Vest

Social work is at a crossroads. As a new generation of social workers move towards graduation and entrance into the profession, we face a unique conundrum. Millennials overall are earning less despite being the best educated generation in history. We are struggling to pay student loans and are widely expected to be the first generation […]

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Global Citizen Encourages You to Help Eradicate Extreme Poverty by 2030 Wed, 23 Sep 2015 16:54:29 +0000 Kerry Ferguson

With poverty and inequality being extremely prominent in the media recently, the Global Citizen’s Festival is well timed to advocate on behalf of their goal to end extreme poverty by 2030. So what is Global Citizen and how does it aim to eradicate extreme poverty by 2030? It’s a mission that can not be achieved […]

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What Do You Stand4: Interview with Andy Hill Founder of Social Good Startup Stand4 Thu, 10 Sep 2015 23:06:26 +0000 Grant Wish

Stand4 helps you make your mark on the world. They’ve made it extremely easy, through their app, to support whatever causes you want, whenever you want, and however you want. Whether it be through donations in which they don’t take a percentage, to petitions that can be signed with a swipe of your finger, to […]

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Brad Pitt Rebuilds Homes After Hurricane Katrina With Community Support Thu, 03 Sep 2015 11:41:11 +0000 Kerry Ferguson

Deemed the power couple in Hollywood, Brad and Angelina have not failed to be noticed for their humanitarian efforts and this is no exception. A decade after the disaster of Hurricane Katrina, Brad Pitt and his foundation Make It Right has been a blessing to 109 families devastated by the hurricane. Famous for his acting ability, Brad […]

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How a Social Worker Can Become an Entrepreneur and Still be Social Mon, 27 Apr 2015 10:32:51 +0000 Anneke Krakers

Since Evelyn began contemplating the idea of becoming an entrepreneur and starting her own business, she found herself consumed by questions. Not knowing all the answers left her feeling anxious, but she realized that this energy was far more invigorating than the lethargy she experienced when she was unemployed. Evelyn was well aware that she […]

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